Knowledge and information are critical tools to affect early diagnosis in pituitary disease. Join Dr. Lewis Blevins and Jorge D Faccinetti cofounders, as they navigate the wonders and complexities of pituitary conditions. Each episode brings conversations with information and experiences from expert professionals and people living with these challenging disorders.

Tuesday Nov 28, 2023
Tuesday Nov 28, 2023
Today's' podcast is a recording of the Pituitary World News talk program that aired live on November 16. The information comes directly from one of the busiest, most successful clinics in the world of pituitary disease. The podcast presents a real-world, honest, in-depth discussion of health insurance denials, how this practice affects patients and physicians, how they use guidelines to muddy the process, oppose individualized care, and question a specialist's decision-making. Although most denials are successfully resolved, they undoubtedly increase costs and produce immeasurable anxiety, often leaving patients with no other choice than to get legal help or take medications that may not be what their specialist physicians prescribe. Insurance denials are real issues facing patients today and are central to a health system that desperately needs a major overhaul. Please listen and share your thoughts.

Tuesday Nov 14, 2023
S9E15: Veronica’s experience with a Prolactinoma
Tuesday Nov 14, 2023
Tuesday Nov 14, 2023
In today's podcast, Veronica, an MBA graduate of Notre Dame University and law school student, tells us about her experience with a prolactinoma. What is interesting about this story is that in pituitary medicine, where delays in diagnosis and general unawareness are all too often the order of the day, this is a perfect example of how awareness and smart thinking make things work as they are supposed to. The patient is aware and digs for information, primary care docs are aware, involved, and immediately tuned in to a possible diagnosis, and the patient gets to the specialist for prompt treatment. We want to see more stories like Veronica's!

Tuesday Oct 24, 2023
S9E14: Double pituitary adenomas: a case from Dr. Blevins clinic.
Tuesday Oct 24, 2023
Tuesday Oct 24, 2023
Podcast and Video: In today's podcast and accompanying video of this MRI, Dr. Blevins discusses and illustrates a case of a patient with a double pituitary adenoma. He also talks about the types of adenomas that can produce several hormones. Listen to Dr. Blevins as he discusses this case and shows us a video of the MRI.
This MRI video illustrates the double pituitary adenomas discussed in the podcasts. Watch it here!

Thursday Sep 21, 2023
S9E13: Our Chat with Crinetics CEO Dr. Scott Struthers.
Thursday Sep 21, 2023
Thursday Sep 21, 2023
Today, Dr. Scott Struthers talks to PWN about paltusotine, their new once-a-day acromegaly oral drug candidate. Crinetics recently published results from the latest phase of the paltusotine clinical trial. He discussed the results and provided a fascinating look at the details and their learning from the data as they analyzed these initial results. He also shared the status of a new drug for Cushing's and Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH), currently entering phase 2 of a clinical trial. Don't miss it!
For those following PWN, you may recall we recorded our first podcasts with Dr. Struthers when paltusotine entered its clinical trial in 2017. If you haven't heard it, I highly recommend it. It is really interesting to hear Dr. Struthers talk about their work on drugs for acromegaly and other neuroendocrine disorders and how the company has progressed since those early days. Also, if you'd like to learn more, listen to our podcast series on new drug development, "The Journey to a New Drug."

Tuesday Aug 29, 2023
S9E12: Endocrine nursing: a panel discussion
Tuesday Aug 29, 2023
Tuesday Aug 29, 2023
Today, I am particularly thrilled about this podcast with a group of leading professional nurses who are educators, scientists, researchers, nurse practitioners, and graduate students. Their work is critical to pituitary patients' care and quality of life. It affects how endocrine nurses practice and how they are trained, what they learn, and how they do their jobs. In this podcast, you will hear their opinions about the opportunities and challenges, the issues they face in ensuring enough well-trained endocrine nurses enter the profession to satisfy the demands, and their views on the future. I want to thank these extremely busy pros for taking the time to chat with me and for their tremendous work for us all. Enjoy!

Monday Aug 14, 2023
S9E11: Pituitary Grand Rounds.
Monday Aug 14, 2023
Monday Aug 14, 2023
Listen to this podcast and learn more about this new groundbreaking educational program exclusively produced by Pituitary World News. And later this week, don't miss the first episode of this exciting initiative. Stay tuned!

Tuesday Aug 08, 2023
S9E10: Understanding the patterns of disease
Tuesday Aug 08, 2023
Tuesday Aug 08, 2023
In this brief podcast, Dr. Blevins relates a fascinating Cushings case to talk about the importance of understanding disease patterns and how depth of knowledge gives physicians the critical skills to recognize unusual conditions.

Thursday Aug 03, 2023
S9E9: A growing challenge: noncompliance with follow ups and prescriptions
Thursday Aug 03, 2023
Thursday Aug 03, 2023
Noncompliance with required Doctor follow-up visits and properly taking medications is a serious issue. Dr. Blevins tackles this problem with real clinical examples in this brief podcast.

Friday Jun 23, 2023
S9E8: Pituitary Foundation UK: helping people live a better life
Friday Jun 23, 2023
Friday Jun 23, 2023
Listen to this informative podcast with Ren Renwick, CEO of the Pituitary Foundation in the United Kindom. The foundation is a leading volunteer organization providing a variety of resources and support functions for people with pituitary disease. These include helplines with nurses and patients where people can ask medical and practical questions and a variety of helpful resources for patients' physical and emotional well-being. Ren shares some of the foundation's best practices in the podcast and highlights their critical services. The Pituitary Foundation UK is undoubtedly one of the most effective organizations helping people affected by pituitary disease today. Don't miss this informative discussion. For more information, visit the UK Pituitary Foundation's website here

Wednesday May 03, 2023
S9E7: Brain fog and pituitary clinical cases
Wednesday May 03, 2023
Wednesday May 03, 2023
Continuing our recent coverage of brain fog, Dr. Blevins and I discussed a few examples from his clinical practice and personal experiences with the condition. We also cover a fascinating case from his clinic about a patient with an empty sella incidental finding and residual disease. We covered a lot of ground and interesting subjects in this session you don't want to miss, including how medicine and medical care have changed, the need for more pituitary centers of excellence, and how working on Pituitary World News has affected how we look at things. Please join us!